healing in heilbronn
autumn in the insel hotel room
337 while hue after hue of church
bells chiming from the tower of st kilian
reflect off the neckar river from the
east as drumbeats and soccer
cheers from the sunday stadium
simult-instantly bounce off
that neckar from the
in a flash
she understands
not the meaning
of life but some
shapes and human
tones of urban
this place
(or is it this time)
she wants to feel equal
sympathy for the drunken
rowdy klaus in the fifteenth
row (seat 37) and vicar thomas
calling pre or post rowdies to worship
but forgets to include by extension johann
who had just beaten luisa who said afterward she still loved him
and the nun maria in delhi helping a suffering untouchable majit to feel
love during the duration of dying
- richard hacken