Explaining the Hatred for Barack Obama

After the country voted for Barack,
The far right went into catatonic shock,
Concocting resentment and hatred quickly
That grew over time quite deeply and sickly.
They hated the scheming directions he headed
And for the Constitution they say he shredded.
So now let's take a close accounting
Of how his wickedness was so astounding.

Obama's election was a daring stunt, 
Since he was a Kenyan immigrant
Not even born in these United States,
But raised in foreign countries by his Marxist mates. 
(All this talk about "Hawaii"
The Democrats invented slyly.)

They sang the agitated hatred song,
They sang it loud and sang it strong. 

When first in office, to abuse our trust,
Barack pushed through financial stimulus
Claiming that gigantic mortgage botches
Had come about on Bush & Cheney's watches. 
How dare he foist on us such vile oppression
As saving us from a dangerous depression?

They sang the agitated hatred song,
They sang it loud and sang it strong. 

The economy tanked, taking on systemic blights,
While unemployment reached unprecedented heights,
And for all the eight years that followed
The far right fumed and gulped and swallowed
And cursed the precipitous fall of stocks
As the shameful fault of President Barack's.
"Less than six percent should be unemployed,!"
That's what hey said had them so annoyed. 

They sang the agitated hatred song,
They sang it loud and sang it strong. 

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With bile that constantly spews
From Fox News