December 8, 1935

Typewritten letter of Nephi to Hilda from Munich. He discusses winter sports in Bavaria, his nearly month-long journey through Germany to get there, and his plans for visiting in Elbing. He's looking forward to a package of candy from Elbing for Christmas.

    Lindwurm Str. 51 - III
    Dec. 8, 1935.

    Dear Hilda:

    Your last letter from the city of Elbing I read with great pleasure. In response I have to say that I have to be very grateful to you for the lovely remembrance, that is, the picture which pleased me so very much. It is really a charming picture. From the looks of the just-mentioned picture, it appears as if no snow is available in East Prussia yet. It could also be possible that the picture was taken earlier.

    We have already had snow in Munich for a long time, and now we're sitting around the fire so we don't have to fall victim to the cold. A lot of winter sports are carried out in this area. The Bavarian mountains are now heavy laden with people on their way to ski. Maybe it won't be long before I try skiing, too.

    I'm very sorry that I haven't written more often. Since I've been traveling a lot, I haven't found much time for writing. I was underway almost an entire month from Wanne-Eickel to Munich. I visited the cities of Cologne, Bonn, Koblenz, Bingen, Rüdesheim, Mainz, Worms, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Ulm and Augsburg. Finally I made it to my present apartment.

    I feel very comfortable here in this city. It is very nice, and I like my work here very much. I always learn a lot, and the opportunity of getting to know many new people and to make friendships bring a joy that can't be found anywhere else. I almost feel apprehensive that my mission time is nearly up. It has truly always been a nice experience.

    Yes, my address is correct now. You can see from the heading that I live on Lindwurm Strasse.

    It is very gracious of you that you'd like to send me a little package for Christmas. It really isn't necessary, but since you ask me, I have to tell you that I do like all kinds of sweets. It doesn't matter what's in the little gift, since I'm so happy to receive anything like that.

    Certainly it is true that I have traveled around the Reich quite a bit. That is to say, the western part. There is scarcely a city in the west where I haven't been, and then the time will come when I will also get to know the countryside in the east. I've already told you that I would like to stay about a month in Elbing, but since I can't say what's going to happen, I can't say if the visit will be shorter than that or not. The fact remains that I will visit you. I will also visit Ella in Crimmitschau, since Leipzig is right on my way. More details I can't tell right now, but when things clear up I'll inform you.

    I've completely forgotten to write anything about the capital city of the Movement [capital city = Munich; movement = Nazism]. I like it very much here. I feel completely comfortable. There are many things to see here.

    Soon Christmas will be here, and before we know it Spring will be in front of us. No year has passed by as quickly as this past one. It is cold here, but not as much as in Hamburg last year. I could hardly take it there. I'm not used to this climate anyway. Down here, though, it is very good, and I can't find any reason to complain.

    Since my knowledge is almost exhausted, I finally have to close, and then you [Sie: formal] can … (I forget that I should write "du" [familiar] with you; I never say "du," it's very seldom that I use the "Du" language)… you can again take the opportunity to write me again.

    So, with many greetings for the rest of the family and family members, I say Auf Wiedersehen until next time. Also don't forget that I wish you much happiness and blessings for Christmas and the New Year.

    So, 'til then, I remain,
